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Forum Rules

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Hello Sith Lord detachment members and recruits. Over the last month the command staff has been going over the forum rules and updated them. The command staff has discussed these changes for a long time and we feel these updates will help make the SLD safe and fun for everyone.




The Sith Lord Detachment forum's primary purpose is to act as an information distribution point for those who wish to construct a 501st admissible Sith Lord costume.


1. Abusive, slanderous, hateful, threatening, sexually-oriented, or other offensive language will not be tolerated. Please keep it G/PG rated (no profanity or inappropriate imagery) and be respectful of your fellow forum members.


2. Outright threats will be treated as real threats. If the member who issued the threat is a 501st or Detachment member that member will be banned from the forum, charges will be filed against the member with the offender's Commanding Officer and the Legion Captain of the Guard by the Detachment Leadership.


3. Please avoid the discussion of politics and/or religion. Posts should be relevant to Detachment business or Star Wars related topics. General topics may be discussed in the Cantina.


4. No baiting, flaming, shilling, or trolling. This includes using avatars or signatures to poke at other people. In other words, don't attack someone in public, or attempt to provoke a response through heated language and/or prolonged public argument. No spamming is allowed. Spamming is considered posting the same question or information in multiple threads in quick succession.


5. The contents of personal mail are private. If the original sender did not post to this forum, DO NOT post copies or replies to this forum. Do not post the contents of Private Messages or e-mails, or any other form of private (ie non-public) communication in the forums without the express permission of the sender. If a private communication warrants it, privately inform the Detachment Leader, who will refer it to the applicable Garrison Commanding Officer, and if necessary, the Legion Captain of the Guard.


6. Keep posts as "On Topic" as possible. When posting a new topic or a response to a topic, please pause and think. Remember, your post will be visible to all the members of this group and it may not necessarily contribute to a particular thread.


7. Controversial topics which are before the Legion Council may be discussed in the appropriate forums, but Moderators reserve the right to lock topics if tempers cannot be kept in check.


8. Harassment of any kind will not be tolerated.


9. The Marketplace exists for private sales by 501st members. It is NOT to be used as an alternative to posting runs on the Replica Prop Forum (RPF), Prop Den, or other such sites. The Abuse of the Junkyard may result in it being closed to all 501st members, as has happened on other Detachment forums in the past. The General Store is for personal sales of personally owned costuming items only that any forum member may wish to sell. The Detachment Leadership holds no warranty on any items sold in either forum. Runs will be limited to three on hand items, with the item in hand prior to posting the item(s) for sale.


10. The public forums do not exist to be a buy and sell venue for any forum member - 501st or not. Posts which refer to eBay auctions as a means of sales WILL be deleted or moved to the Junkyard. Please send sales' information in PMs or post it in the Junkyard section.


11. Topics outside of the Junkyard which are attempts to troll for sales (ie displaying images of props/costumes/make up for sale) are prohibited in the public forums and will be moved to the Junkyard.


12. Anyone who attempts to impersonate a 501st member will have their account deleted immediately. Only active 501st members are permitted to use the 501st (TK ID) field in the user's profile. If your membership is not yet visible on the main website, register on the forum without putting your TK number , Garrison affiliation and a link to your legion profile in the appropriate fields of your profile here on the Sith Lord Detachment Boards. If you are just approved, please follow these steps and post in the appropriate thread in Request 501st/Detachment Member Access forum so that your account may be modified to reflect your status.


13. No sock puppet accounts.


14. No insulting or degrading others armor PERIOD. This is a place of learning and of sharing information and everyone has a different level of commitment. While suggestions for improvement and positive critiques are always welcome, berating or belittling will be meet with harsh consequences. Elitist behavior toward any member will result in a personal message (PM) from the Detachment Leadership and depending on the severity, or complaint may result in further action.


Violations, unless otherwise listed, will result in the following:


1. Written warning

2. One week ban

3. Two week ban

4. Month ban and LCoG notification

5. Permanent ban


The Detachment Leadership reserves the right to adjust the level of punishment to fit the offense as needed. Forum members with an established history of forum rules violations may be placed on immediate moderation without warning. Non-501st forum members who do not follow the forum rules will have their accounts deactivated.


No rules lawyering. Most of the staff are just as expert in code of conduct as you are. Obey the spirit of the law even if the letter of the law doesn't expressly specify the offense.

Additions and changes to these rules may occur at any time. It is your responsibility to keep up to date on them. Ignorance of the rules is not a defense for violating the rules.

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Thanks for driving this initiative Matt, it was a fair amount of work but very necessary.


It has been several years since the forum rules have been updated and the general feeling has been that they no longer fully reflected the culture of the SLD. There was also a lack of transparency when it comes to consequences for those people who find themselves on the other side of the rules. Going forward I intend to keep the forum rules as more of a "living document" than previously so we can react better to changes and growth.


Hopefully all this is pretty clear. If anyone has questions please post them or PM Matt / myself.

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